How Can I Pray Always?
Pastor’s Column
33rd Sunday Ordinary Time
November 17, 2019
Many of us are unfamiliar with a traditional Catholic way of prayer that can work very powerfully in our lives. A few weeks ago, we heard the parable of the tax collector whose only prayer was, ”Oh God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” The Lord was very pleased with this humble and effective prayer, and quite a few parishioners have shared with me that they have begun praying with this prayer that we call an invocation. These can be prayed almost anywhere. You can create your own as well.
Father Gary
My Lord and my God (this is often said at the consecration at Mass).
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
Jesus, Lord and Savior, I love you.
Come Holy Spirit!
Praise the Lord!
Lord, grant me grace that I might do your will.
Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me now and at the hour of my death.
Jesus, I trust in you (the prayer of Divine Mercy).
Jesus, teach me to give without counting the cost (from Saint Ignatius).
Heart of Jesus, I love you.
Blood of Jesus, wash me clean.
Jesus, you are my hope.
Jesus, I believe in you.
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I adore you.
Jesus, teach me to love you.
Jesus, grant me patience, grant me love.
Holy Spirit, open my eyes, my mind, my heart.
Praise you God the Father; praise you God the Son; praise you God the Spirit!